Damaged Goods/Missing Items
Shipping Methods and Delivery Times
EliteToolboxes.com ships from multiple warehouses using different freight carriers depending on consumer location. Orders containing products from different manufacturers may show up in multiple deliveries as they may ship from different locations. Customers can expect to recieve their product within 7-14 business days of original order date. For more information on specific shipping methods and delivery times, please contact our customer service representatives at 1-877-453-5077.
Shipping Locations & Restrictions
Elitetoolboxes.com currently ships to the lower 48 contiguous US States only. Some shipping restrictions may also apply to customers who live on an island with no access or limited access via bridge/ferry or remote locations throughout the US such as but not limited to the upper peninsula of Michigan and a few small portions of Montana. Please contact a customer service representative at 1-877-453-5077 if you have any questions regarding delivery to your specific location.
At this time, we do not ship to Canada due to the size and freight costs related to our products.